CareerHub Central UK Terms and Conditions

CareerHub Central UK is a job distribution platform designed to enable organisations to register and distribute their job opportunities to its member universities for free. Once your organisation and job are distributed, each member university makes the final decision to approve / reject or edit your information based on their own local requirements.  

Member universities may contact you directly to seek clarification or to provide additional information about their services to students. You can unsubscribe from additional communications. 

CareerHub Central UK endorses the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) Work Experience Standard and Good Practice Guide. 

All jobs are reviewed to ensure they meet the following minimum requirements in terms of remuneration and benefits (with the exception of volunteering opportunities for charities and voluntary organisations – see below). 

  • All job opportunities of at least 10 days (70 hours) duration, including internships and sandwich placements/’Year in industry’, must be paid at or above UK National Minimum Wage (NMW) or the equivalent international figure for jobs based outside the UK. 
  • The remuneration must be stated in the job advert, either as a set figure, an appropriate range that is not too broad or expressed by reference to the national minimum wage or national living wage. 
  • Avoid ‘competitive’ or ‘only available on application or at interview’. 
  • In cases where salary is partially based on commission or bonuses, the basic rate must be stated and set at national minimum wage or above. 
  • Any exit fees associated with the opportunity are explicitly stated at the outset. 

Volunteering opportunities 

  • Charities and voluntary organisations can submit volunteering (unpaid) opportunities.  
  • Please note: some CareerHub Central UK member universities will not accept volunteering opportunities. In some cases this is because volunteering activities are managed outside of careers and employability services within those universities. 

CareerHub Central UK will NOT approve: 

  • Insight experiences/days/weeks typically offered by larger graduate recruiters designed to give prospective applicants more information about the organisation.  
  • Work shadowing opportunities that typically allow students to spend time with an organisation observing the typical activities of that organisation’s working environment. 
  • Jobs that require any form of upfront payment (such as fees to cover costs associated with accommodation, travel, equipment or any other work-related expenses). 
  • Competitions or challenges that seek applications/submissions from individuals or teams.  
  • Events and training courses, either free or paid for. 

Please approach relevant member universities directly to ask whether they will advertise these engagement events or activities to their students on your organisation’s behalf.