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Find Your Dream Job
From Your Phone.

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Careers by Symplicity allows you to take your job search on-the-go with smart features to easily search and apply for jobs, manage your on-campus recruiting activities, and connect with employers before, during, and after career fairs.

Update Anytime

Update your profile and interview availability in real-time so information remains timely and active

Find and apply to opportunities tailored for you

Receive recommended jobs and opportunities based on your preferences, career requirements, and skill set

Manage Your Events

Never miss an opportunity with an easy way to search and sign up for interviews, RSVP for info sessions and workshops, and manage all events in an easy-to-use calendar

Gain a more productive career fair experience

Use a booth map to find your favorite employers, meet and rate employers at the fair, and set reminders to follow-up after the fair
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Download Careers By Symplicity

This app requires your institution to have Career Services Manager (CSM) by Symplicity. Contact your career center to find out if you are a Symplicity-powered school.